The Federal government has blamed the upsurge in crime amongst youths in the country on parents’ faulty upbringing. It lamented the rate at which young people engaged in ritual killing under the pretext of looking for quick wealth. On this edition of WhatsApp Conversation, we asked the question: Who is to be blamed for the rise in ritual killings in the country?

David Alabi

When society begins to honour money and fame, things are bound to be like this. We honour wealth without thinking about the process, we don’t care about the becoming, it is only the end product that matters. For anyone who cares to listen, the process of becoming is what sustains the product of what one becomes.

Who is to be blamed for the rise in ritual killings in the country?

Lanre Oseni

There are three principalities to be blamed (1) The Federal and State governments have lagged in their responsibilities of good primary, secondary and tertiary education funding of making schools habitable by providing hostels and functional infrastructure. Where the above are made available, the pupils and students would not have time for ritual engagements. Furthermore, the governments have failed to discipline both students and the acclaimed powerful in societies caught in the heinous act. In addition, courts’ process of dispensing justice has been too slow because of shortage of personnel. The government has failed to imbibe technology by installing Close Circuit Camera Televisions – CCTVs in strategic locations. (2) Lack of parental care / home discipline as well as moral teachings. Where children were taught moral teachings from home, the mind of ritual killings would be alien to perpetrators. In addition, our faith in the act of preaching should do much less of preaching PROSPERITY rather than heavenly – thoughts. (3) Government and Individual lack contentment hence, money or nothing is their pursuits. The politicians form the governments and in Nigeria, it is “money-for-recognition” first in most political parties, same for individuals!

Ifedayo Olusogo

There are a number of reasons responsible for the increase and the blame should be placed equally on all the doorsteps. We look at the case of parenting and the very bedrock of society – family and we begin to get our answers. Most families these days do not care how you have come about your money. All they want to do is spend it. The dwindling value system in the country is another reason. Murder for ritual is worrisome to society. How can someone take another person’s life in the quest for wealth, protection, and power?

Olayemi Olagunju Olawumi

My opinion might not be popular because I see things not from the top but the grassroots or better still foundation. There are a lot more to these things anyways.

The society starting from the family applauses wealth regardless of how it is accrued. Charity begins at home some parents aren’t helping matters, pressuring a 17 years old boy to bring something home for the family. It’s all a foundation thing to me.

Though the government has a large percentage of blames for not providing jobs leaving the youthful populace jobless and all. But that’s not an arguable point in the court for engaging in rituals and killings. Crime is crime! To me, it’s the total lack of societal value which start from the family.

Kelvin Odulami


When we see security breaches, we don’t ask the question of who to blame. We might ask questions of the way forward but who to blame? I would say the contributory factors to these are many and varied. You have to take a swipe at motivational speakers and some other people who put young folks into the pressure cooker. Parents who don’t do enough job of shielding their wards from the pressure and those who also edge them closer to vices are not left out too. Ultimately

Tosin Awoniyi

The following people are to be blamed for the rise in ritual killings that have become rampant within the country.

Parents (upbringing of their children): The Upbringing of the children should not be left only for their teachers, but it should be a joint effort with the parents, old students associations and tiers of government. More so, parents should be more committed to the upbringing of their children to have a better society.

Government (unemployment): People are unemployed, and this brings about poverty; If Nigerians have equal opportunities to earn income in legitimate ways, there would be a reduction in different abominable crimes such as kidnapping and killing fellow humans for rituals.

Nigerian Celebrities [actors, actresses and the comedians]: National Film and Video Censor Board (NFVCB) should upgrade its censorship standard and clamp down on films and music videos that promote ritual killings and black power- The board should curb criminality in society bemoaning the surge in rituals by young people. Musical Videos that promote quick wealth, use of black power, voodoo, nudity and all types of negativity should be censored.

Next week, the question is when to draw the line on our social and moral fabric -“In case of an apocalypse, what do think could perform the role of a currency?” To be part of the next edition, send your response to 08133601345 on WhatsApp.



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