NANS DSP Comr. Elvis Solidarized with MAPOLY protest, Commends Ogun Governor’s Aide for Prompt intervention .

The NANS National Deputy Senate President Comrade Ekundina Segun Elvis along with his team joined the NANS Ogun JCC and Moshood Abiola Polytecnic (Mapoly) Students Union in the protest against the management of of institution over incessant increment of fees, poor students welfarism, bad road linking to the institution, removal of 60-40 payment of Tuition fees, among numerous other issues of concern to the students

The protest which started yesterday, Monday 17th of October, 2022 and continued today was staged at the main entrance of the institution. Students in their thousands boycotted their ongoing examinations and trooped out in support of the struggle.

.The NANS DSP while granting a press interview during the protest stated that the student leaders in the state have exhausted all ideological means of resolving the issues on a roundtable which the rector of the institution and his team refused to yield to the demands of the student, which is the reason we decided to barricade the scholarship entrance to register our plight to the general public.


The rector’s anti-poor policy which is affecting our students is what we as a body would  outrightly kick against. We’re well aware of how the rector and three other individuals who are part of his management team have been siphoning the institution finances and turning properties of the institution to personal use.” –  Comrade Elvis said

He added that – “Even though the rector has ordered the reversal of few of the increment after the first day of our protest, we wouldn’t be deceived to stop until all our requests are granted. We want the institution to reintroduce the 40%-60% payment method that was in place before, and give premium attention to all issues of students concern.

“I’ll also like to commend the leadership style and prompt intervention of Comrade Adeyemi Azeez, the Special Adviser to the Executive Governor of Ogun State towards restoring peace and Normlacy in the Mapoly and Ogun State. We plead that he further help students intercede to ensure all our requests are given due consideration” – He added


Comrade Ekundina Segun Elvis

Universal Deputy Senate President




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