By Ajayi Remilekun


A popular Ondo state students union leader and former National President of National Association of Idanre Students who also double as the former President of Pharmaceutical Association of Nigeria Students, OOU; Adebayo Femi, a 500L student from the faculty of pharmacy recently emerged the OOUSUG MEDICAL DIRECTOR elect in a keenly contested Election and broke a record. Femi Kepler in his interview with Ajayi Remilekun, a correspondent of Campus Mirror states that he wanted to set the record straight because in the history of OOUSUG medical director, another student other than the students studying medicine has never been in that position.

He noted that his plans for the entire student populace is to put things in order. He mentioned that although, there has always been a medical director, he has not really been seeing their role in the school or perhaps it’s not even felt by the sagamu community. He wants to make sure that all OOU students feel the role of the medical director. To solve the problems of the health centres being under equipped and understaffed, Kepler says that the administration will visit all health centres in OOU and relay the complaints to the university management. If the university management is not capable to solve the problem, the administration will relate directly with the commissioner of health.

Kepler promises that his administration will introduce health programs which will evaluate the mental health of students. For example, exam results are coming out, some students may start thinking of suicide option. The health programs will ensure that students are physically and mentally okay. He also intends to set up a program called ADMAP which is the Anti Drug Misuse and Abuse program which would educate students on the dangers associated with drug abuse and misuse.

When asked about his win, Kepler explains that he has never lost an election even though it comes with opposition. He noted that he knows his opponent has shown great strength and capability as a leader and he wants to work with him.

Kepler also plans to bridge the gap between medicine, pharmacy and the other students. He observed that Medpharm, a forum existing in the campus which comprises of medicine and pharmacy students only wants to divide the Sagamu Campus. In the Campus, other students who are not in Medpharm feel segregated and inferior and they feel they cannot contest for a particular position. Hence, he likens the health sector to a football pitch where everyone’s hands have to be on deck to ensure a proper working health care system in the shortest possible time. His 8 star agenda hopes to achieve this and the whole OOUITES will benefit tremendously.



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