South Africa has women with the largest butt sizes
a new report by market research company GitNux
has revealed.
According to the research, South African women
have average butt sizes with a circumference of
41.73 inches.
Women from Argentina have the second largest
hip size at 41 inches.
The data showed that women from Sweden and
Greece have almost the same butt size.
Those from Sweden have the third largest hip size
with 40.94 inches while those from Greece come in
fourth with 40.74 inches.
Germany comes in fifth with women having an
average hip size of 40.6 inches.
Women from Russia and Italy have the same hip
size, the data showed.
The average hip size of Russian and Italian women
s 40.55 inches ranking the two countries at
position 6.
Australian women have the seventh largest hip size
with an average of 40.5 inches.
The Netherlands was ranked at position 8 with
40.35 inches of hip circumference.
Women from Canada have an average hip size of
40.3 inches, ranking at position 9 globally.
France came in tenth recording an average hip size
of 40.25 inches while the USA followed closely with
40.2 inches of hip circumference.
My opinion is..
40.2 inches of hip circumference.
The second African country in the list is Nigeria
with women having an average butt circumference
of 38.56 inches.
Nigeria was ranked at position 12.
The first Asian country on the list was South Korea
which came in at position 13 with women having an
average butt size of 38 inches.
Japan followed closely at position 14 with women
having a butt size of 37.8 inches.
Chinese women came in at position 15 with an
average butt size of 37.4 inches.
India was ranked are position 16 with an average
butt size of 36.1 inches.



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